
reviewers wanted


Reviewed by Violet on IE, 1152x864
Time spent reading/reviewing diary: 45 minutes
User's total entries: 57
Entries read: 30


First Impression: Love the layout! Simple, clean and crisp. "Easy on the eyes"!

Content: I'm a bit biased because you are on my favorites list, so obviously, I love your content. You lay it all out there and seem unafraid of sharing your emotions and your opinions. I found it very easy to get a sense of who you were as a person by reading your entries. You talk a lot about your past, and it's obvious how deeply you love you family. Your mother and father seem precious and it's clear you respect them and are completely devoted. Your poetry to your children is beautiful, and even though I have no children myself, I found myself feeling a loss as I read about your beautiful angels who passed away so very young. Your writing style is easy to follow. As a reader, I feel compelled to read more and get to know you better. On a personal note, I think your hubby is being just horrible and I hope that he will go to therapy either with you or on his own because you do not deserve to be treated this way! Okay, off my soapbox.... I guess my only suggestion would be to maybe share a little more of your feelings. You mentioned that you were working on that, and I totally understand having a private diary for the deeper things, but hey: I had to find something! ;)

Errors: I saw no spelling errors, no broken links, no broken images.

Layout: As I said, I love it! Courtesy of lisdesign. The little girl seems to show sadness and innocence through those eyes, and the bandaid seems so very symbolic. I think this layout really reflects who you are as a person: a woman who has been through a lot, feels things deeply, and is strong enough to begin the healing process. I'd love to see you coordinate your guestbook to match this layout (it really isn't hard: you just go to signmyguestbook.com and hit the "alter my design" link, and c/p the css style sheet from your layout. That would include the picture at the top, the background and text colors, etc.) Also, your diaryrings page could look neater if you used the shortened version of the code. PixelScripts has a great section on this in her Tricks link. WebTaox also has some easy instructions on it. One more suggestion: if there is a way to make your text area a little bit longer, there would be less scrolling. It doesn't bother me while reading your entries, but it was kind of hard to leave you a tagboard message. Just a thought:)

Navigation: Easy-greasy! Also, you have all of your entries named with specific .html extensions. You are easily linkable. Older five at the bottom and the archives page is well organized.

Extras: Online counter, guestbook, tagboard, quizzes, notes, rings, reviews, poetry, links....you go girl!

Contact: book, email, notes, tagboard, MSN. Totally stalk-able!

Honors points: having a poetry link, having a page that doesn't hurt my eyes, somehow having your pick stay loaded even when I switch entries.

Would I come back: Um, you are on my favs list. I may not check in everyday, but several times a week at least.

Favorite entries: This one, this one, and this one. There are many more I enjoyed, but these three give the clearest picture of your life, I think.

Favorite quotes: Taken from your profile page: Love is giving someone the chance to hurt you, and trusting them not to.
One day you will ask me which I love more, you or my life. I will say my life. You will walk away without realizing that you are my life.

Score: 3.84/4.0 +.3 for honors points=4.1/4.0 A+!

Verdict: Prrrrr. Violet LOVES you:)

Last . Next

chilindrina humble dwelling--purr - 2005-01-03
Be right back! - 2005-01-03
Texas Peach, peach's escape-purr - 2004-10-14
larawolfe-purr - 2004-10-14
Violet is busy taking care of her Mom and is ISO Reviewers - 2004-10-14