
reviewers wanted



Reviewed by me on IE, 1152x864
User's total entries: 96
Entries read: 40

First Impression: Hmm. I like the simplicity and the colors are nice as well.

Content: You use this diary as kind of a daylog, adding in your feelings from time to time. I have no problem with that! I would encourage you to add an "about me" page (if you have one, I couldn't find it) and a cast page, just so your readers can learn more about you!

Layout: Your guestbook matches your main layout. Nice! Your design is by Vain Peach and is a very simple, elegant design. The colors don't hurt my eyes and the layout is very structured. I'd suggest putting the links to the right of your entry instead of below it.

Navigation: Ah, nice. As I mentioned above, I'd love it if all of your links were up near the entry, but I won't count off for that here! You have the previous 5 entries and a previous/next link which is great. You only have 94 entries, but I think it may be time to start archiving them (by month or by year) just so people can get around more quickly.

Extras: Imood, Rings, tons of quizzes, online counter, visitor counter, reviews, links, animated software wings

Contact: Email, guestbook, notes, ICQ and MSN (with an interesting nickname, lol), guestmap

Errors: Couldn't find any. Nice job!

Honors: love the Austin Powers reference for your pagename "sh^ts and giggles" and I admire your honesty!

Would I come back: Hmm. Probably not. Maybe just to see how things are going once in a while. Nothing personal, but I wasn't really drawn into your diary on a personal level. But don't mind what I say, you're diary is for YOU! :)

Favorite Entries: Dead Lungs, because you go into a little more detail about your day and your feelings. (by the way, I hope you're feeling better!)

Favorite Quotes: "i also went and bought a virus scanner for my fucked up computer.. the poor thing is having problems so i thought this would help it a bit, hopefully things will get better.. don't know what i'll do if it doesn't.. be sad and wish i had that $100 back :(" I can totally relate to that!

Suggestions: Go to PixelScripts. You mentioned on your diaryrings entry that you really don't know much about HTML. This is a great place to learn! She has some tricks and tips on her page, and then if you click on her links, you can go to her webpage Webtaox. I'm not at all suggesting that you need to do anything fancy, but since you expressed interest, I thought I'd point you in a good direction:)

Total score: 2.25/4.0 C
Verdict: Violet is OKAY with you! Blink!

Last . Next

chilindrina humble dwelling--purr - 2005-01-03
Be right back! - 2005-01-03
Texas Peach, peach's escape-purr - 2004-10-14
larawolfe-purr - 2004-10-14
Violet is busy taking care of her Mom and is ISO Reviewers - 2004-10-14